What is Cognitive Complexity and how to use it ?
In the domain of software development, the Cognitive Complexity could be approximately defined as “the difficulty for a human being to understand some code snippet”. This definition seems to be clear and without ambiguities, but it is not.
The main problem is in the word “difficulty”: what does it mean and how to measure it ? That’s why, in this article, I will use a more precise definition, which uses a notion which could be measured in the real world: the time.
The Cognitive Complexity of a code snippet is the time required by a mean developer to understand it.
Unfortunately, this definition is still ambiguous: who is this mean developer ? What means understand ? All of these questions are important and are clarified in this article. For now, let’s use the definition above.
What is the purpose of the Cognitive Complexity ?
The understandability of the code is probably the most important component of the maintainability of a software. It is hard and painful to add features or fix bugs in a code which is difficult to understand, especially if it’s not you which wrote it. A non-understandable code is a dead code.
The cost of the maintenance of a software is frequently higher than the cost of its implementation. That’s why cognitive complexity is a very important indicator: it is a good way to evaluate the difficulty to maintain the code, and therefore a good indicator of its future cost.
How to measure the Cognitive Complexity ?
The research area around the idea of cognitive complexity is active and fertile since more than 20 years. Unfortunately, the definition of this concept is different for each author, which leads to a lot of confusion. Given that the concept itself is not well-defined, each researcher uses its own definition, and his own measurement technique.
Furthermore, in the purpose to differentiate their different results, the authors must use different terminologies to talk about very close concepts. For example, you will find in the academic literature the notions of “psychological complexity”, “code understandability”, “software understandability”, etc. All these terms are describing something close to the intuitive notion of cognitive complexity described above.
Since the objective of this article is only the vulgarisation of the concept of cognitive complexity, I will not describe in details these definitions, and I will simply explain how the cognitive complexity is “measured” by the only open-source tool which is dedicated to this metric, Genese Cpx, and then compare it with the well-known tool SonarQube©.
The Genese Cpx tool
Genese Cpx (@genese/complexity) is an open-source tool which is measuring the cognitive complexity of a program written in a language like JavaScript, TypeScript or Java.
Genese Cpx takes into account the length of the code, the loops (for
, while
, …), the logic doors (and
, or
), the conditions (if
, else
, switch
, …), the recursions, the callbacks, the lacks of typing, the nesting, the aggregation and a lot of other funny things.

Furthermore, @genese/complexity displays in details the cognitive complexity of each line of your project, which will help you to refactor your code.

I sincerely think that Genese Cpx is the best tool to analyze the cognitive complexity of your project, but that’s probably because I worked on it… That’s why I hope that you’ll try it and enjoy it !
The Cognitive Complexity for SonarQube©
The tool
SonarQube© is probably the most well-known open-source software quality tool. As far as I know, it’s the only one which uses explicitly the concept of cognitive complexity. They explain how they measure it in a document called “Cognitive complexity: a new way to measure understandability” written by Ann Campbell for the SonarSource© company in 2017. I will explain now its main ideas.
At first, SonarQube© assigned some “weight” to code structures which should increase cognitive complexity. For example, they assign the weight 1 to a if
or a for
. If this if
or this for
is nested in another if
or for
(or something else breaking the linear flow), they add 1 for each nesting rank. When all the weights are assigned to the different elements of the code snippet, they calculate a “cognitive complexity score” by adding all these weights.
This is a well-known technique which is used in many academic papers since decades, but which is in my opinion too simplistic to measure effectively the cognitive complexity. The SonarQube©’s methodology is described here :
Basic criteria and methodology
A Cognitive Complexity score is assessed according to three basic rules:
1. Ignore structures that allow multiple statements to be readably shorthanded into one
2. Increment (add one) for each break in the linear flow of the code
3. Increment when flow-breaking structures are nested
function myMethod(): void {
try {
if (condition1) { // +1
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // +2 (nesting=1)
while (condition2) { … } // +3 (nesting=2)
} catch (err) { // +1
if (condition2) { … } // +2 (nesting=1)
} // Cognitive Complexity = 9
SonarQube© uses some other rules to increase or decrease the score when something is intuitively increasing or decreasing the difficulty to understand the code. For example, they don’t increase the score when you use an optional-chaining operator instead a if
let name: string;
if (a) { // +1
name = a.name;
} // Cognitive Complexity = 1
let name: string;
name = a?.name; // Cognitive Complexity = 0
As I said above, the principle of using weights and rules to calculate something called “cognitive complexity” is not new, far from it. However, the rules and the weights used by SonarQube© are specific to SonarQube©. Are they relevant ? Let’s look at that.
Is SonarQube©’s cognitive complexity score relevant ?
First, let’s remember the most important: cognitive complexity is a notion relative to human cognition. Consequently, we will never be able to write an algorithm which will return a score reflecting the exact value of the cognitive complexity (defined as above). Never. We maybe could calculate a good approximation of the time needed to understand some code snippet, but never an exact value. This point is probably the most important of this article.
Now, can we consider the SonarQube©’s algorithm as a good approximation of the cognitive complexity defined as above ? Let’s leave aside the ambiguities about the terms understand and human being of the definition of cognitive complexity, and let us concentrate on what we should measure: the time.
It is very likely that no one tried to measure the mean time for a developer to understand some code snippet with the help of the SonarQube©’s algorithm. So, my first conclusion is: nothing demonstrates the correlation between the results of this algorithm and the measure of the cognitive complexity with the definition written above. That doesn’t mean that there is no correlation, but that we can’t assert it.
However, intuitively, the rules and the weights of their algorithm seem to be consistent with our intuitive idea of complexity. So, for now, let us assume that there is a real correlation. In this case, what are the limits of the validity of their algorithm ? And how could it be improved ?
Limitations of the SonarQube©’s algorithm
A problem of weight
First, let’s remember the main idea of the SonarQube©’s algorithm: it is more difficult to understand an if
which is nested in another if
than an if
which is alone. That’s not proven, but we can reasonably think that it is true.
if (a > 0) { // +1
if (b > 0) { // +2 (nesting=1)
// Do something
} // Cognitive Complexity = 3
OK, it is probably true that it is more complicated to understand the second if
because it is nested inside the first one. However, is it really 2 times more complicated than the first if
? Why not 3, or 1.5 ? Do we really need twice the time to understand the second if
? If in reality it is not 2 but 1.9, the approximation is good. If it’s nearer to 1.1, we should seriously doubt the validity of the score given by SonarQube©.
A problem of differentiation
Now, let’s think about what really implies the fact to assign the same weight to each if
(not nested). That means that the two code snippets below will have the same cognitive complexity score :
// First code snippetif (a > 0) { ... } // Cognitive Complexity = 1
// Second code snippetif (this.someMethod(a) > this.someProperty[2] + this.otherProperty) { ... } // Cognitive Complexity = 1
There is no doubt that the second example is more difficult to read and understand than the first one, but the score given by SonarQube© is the same. It is counterintuitive.
A problem of length
In reality, the cognitive complexity score returned by the SonarQube©’s algorithm does not depend on the length of the code snippet. For example, a method with 50 lines without elements increasing the cognitive complexity (on SonarQube©’s sense) will have a score which will simply be equal to 0 !
If we admit that the cognitive complexity is defined by the time required by a human being to understand some code snippet, any code snippet should have a score strictly higher than zero. Even if there is only one word, you must read this word and understand it, and you will need some time for that.
In the real world, two identical lines in the same code snippet should have different cognitive complexity !
let a = 1; // Cognitive Complexity: x
a = a * 2; // Cognitive Complexity: y
a = a * 2; // Cognitive Complexity: z > y
In the example above, the third line has a complexity z
strictly higher than the complexity y
of the second line. Why ? Because on the third line, you must remember what happened in the previous lines to be able to calculate the new value of a
This problem is not taken into account in the SonarQube©’s algorithm.
A problem of missing rules
No one set of rules will ever be able to measure perfectly the cognitive complexity of a code snippet. As we said above, we only can try to find an approximate value. The SonarQube©’s rules are no exception to the rule (excuse the bad pun). Some important things slip through the cracks…
function hyperComplex<T>(object: Object, path: string | string[] = '', value: any): CallbacksMock<T> {
path = path.toString().match(/[^.[\]]+/g);
path.slice(0, -1).reduce((acc: any, curr: any, index: number) => {
const arg = Math.round(index) % 3;
return Object(acc[curr]) === acc[curr + arg][0];
}, object)[path[path.length - 1]] = value;
return new CallbacksMock<T>(object);
Do you understand what is doing the function above ? Yes ? Congratulations ! Me, no…
If you had not understood, you should be a little offended, because for SonarQube©, the cognitive complexity of this function is equal to 0 ! Normal: no if
, no switch
, no for
, no while
, etc.
Of course, this example is an extreme case, but it shows clearly that a code snippet which is very difficult to understand may have a low cognitive complexity score on SonarQube©.
Should we use SonarQube©’s Cognitive Complexity score ?
SonarQube© is probably a very good tool for many things, but not for the cognitive complexity. Their algorithm is too simplistic to give you a score which is really correlated to the difficulty of comprehension of your program. Moreover, SonarQube© may mislead you by telling you that your code is easily maintainable when it is not.
Of course, Genese Cpx is far from perfect, but most of the lacks of the SonarQube©’s algorithm are fixed. As far as I know, it is the only open-source tool which gives a realistic approximation of cognitive complexity.
I’m not the only one which worked on the @genese/complexity module: many friends and colleagues helped me, and I want to thank all of them for the trust they placed in me, and for their contribution to the implementation of this module :
Main contributors, by alphabetical order :
- M’hamad Abbas
- Fabien Brisset
- Aurélie Czeszynski
- Gilles Fabre
- Thibault Fischer
- Cédric Girard
- Albert Grisvard
- Bachir Guendouz
- Laurenne Kocher
- Alexandre Kueny
- Vincent Marignier
- Gabriel Martin
- Samir Mimoun
- François Planet
- Thibaud Thedon
This article was updated the 13 February 2022